Картина маслом SENTENTIA книга и графические серии

SENTENTIA книга и графические серии

35 х 25 см бумага ручного литья, акрил, акварель, золото, масло. 14 х 22 см бумага ручного литья, акрил, акварель. 215 х 110 мм бумага ручного литья, картон, брошюровка, акрил, акварель, серебро, коллаж, масло, авторская техника

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Artem Ogurtsov

Artem Ogurtsov was born and lives in Moscow. He finished an art school in 1997 and graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Design Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry in 2003.
Most of the time the artist dedicates to non-commercial projects implementing his ideas into man-made objects. Artem works and experiments with different painting and graphic techniques. The artist prefers classical synthesis of the Renessance glazing techniques, collage and his own techniques.
Artem Ogurtsov spends his spare time in the open air, creating landscapes in pastel.
The author has had several exhibitions in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev.
Author's works are kept in private collections in Russia and Europe.

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